You asked: Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross?

Thanks for this note to us here at TruthBook. It’s an odd question, since you are asking it at our site which is dedicated to The Urantia Book, and most especially to Part IV of that book, The Life and Teachings of Jesus. But perhaps you are among those who question the life and death of Jesus – even the fact of his existence.

Yes, I do believe that Jesus died on the cross. Do you NOT believe that? In The Urantia Book, we read more about the crucifixion than has ever been known before; the reasons for it and the excruciating details of it, from beginning to end. It is not for the faint-of-heart, but is presented as the stark reality that it was.

In light of this question from you, I can only assume that you have not read The Urantia Book as yet. I hope you will have a look at it. Here’s an introduction, in case you are unfamiliar with it and its amazing teachings.

And, here is a link to The Life and Teachings of Jesus, Part IV of the book. There is a Table of Contents there that you can explore at your leisure. Additionally, here is the link to the Paper on the Crucifixion.

Once you know more about Jesus – who he really is, why he really came here, and what actually happened to result in the tragic events of his death – I hope you will nevermore doubt. The Urantia Book presents Jesus quite differently from any and all traditional portrayals of him in Christianity. Jesus transcends all earthy religions, but his true gospel holds the greatest hope for all humanity. He taught:

” in an age to come the gospel which I declare to you will rule this very world.”

I want to assure you that it is not necessary for your salvation that you believe any of this, but knowing Jesus better, and learning the matchless truths presented in The Urantia Book will be an invaluable aid to you as you go forward in your spiritual life.

The story of Jesus and his true identity – the story of his amazing life and tragic death – are part of our history, yours and mine. Knowledge really IS power, and understanding Jesus is knowledge of the highest value

Thanks again for writing to us. Please write back if you have any further questions.

Date published:
Author: Staff